
Thinking of making a video reel for your listing? It’s time to start. There are three good reasons video reels will enhance your marketing efforts, increase exposure and engagement, and bring you more sales.

A Video Reel Enhances Buyer’s Experience

Video reels provide a more immersive experience for your potential buyers and gives them a better sense of the property’s layout, size, and features, especially if you are in it as a point of reference (and commentary).

Video Reels Bring More Engagement

Videos tend to attract more attention and engagement on social media platforms and listing websites. People are more likely to watch a video than scroll through a series of photos.

Listings with video receive significantly more views compared to those without. We could include impressive numbers, but to summarize all the research, a listing with a video gets two to four times more inquires, has at least half as much more engagement and a wider reach because most social media platforms are extremely favourable to the rising popularity of video content.

Differentiate Your Listing and Yourself

You’d think in this age, EVERYONE is on video, but that isn’t so. It takes a level of bravery to show up and speak to the camera, and some compositional planning.

It is very much the case that in this competitive market, video reels make realtors stand out from the crowd. It demonstrates you are willing to go the extra mile to market your listings effectively.

How to Make Your Own Video Reel

Video reels don’t to be an expensive undertaking, especially if you make them yourself. If you own a mobile phone, you already have a decent camera and mic built in. And there is plenty of different kinds of software to help you edit your footage. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but you can have fun with it as you learn.

Some quick tips:

Don’t try to make a movie. Start with short, simple videos. Keep if fast-paced and under a minute.

Buy a selfie stick. That stretched out arm look is so 2010s.

Practice a few times, but don’t worry about being too polished. Be personable instead.

Laugh at yourself, maybe a lot. It feels kind of ridiculous at first, but once you get into a rhythm, it begins to feel more natural.

If you’re going to commit to this, DO IT with EVERY listing. Build this into your marketing process.

With the increasing popularity of video content on social media platforms and the internet, staying relevant and competitive in your market means it’s time to Go Video.

If you need help to start, or you need a longer or more professional video, give us a call or book an appointment with us.